Tuesday, October 26, 2010

List of FREE Websites that are helpful for Evaluating Investment and Reading up on news

List of FREE Websites that are helpful for Evaluating Investment and Reading up on news

Business News/Economic News:

Share Tables to download and analyse


Mining Standards:

Mining Study Courses

These are websites that i regularly have a look for reference and also keep up with news.  Of course, there is the daily AFR paper which just gives you a glimpse of what is happening. (which costs you a paper subscription fee, therefore I have not included it in the above list J)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Investing and Gambling

This probably will be a post which there is not much analysis of stocks.....but just wanted to express something close to my heart – Investing and Gambling..
Stocks – A lot of people on the street when asked about stocks, will associate stocks with greed, Asian Financial Crisis, Global Financial Crisis, danger, speculation etc.
It is probably useful to go back to the original definition of stocks/shares......wikipedia gives a good summary in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock

“The stock or capital stock of a business entity represents the original capital paid into or invested in the business by its founders. It serves as a security for the creditors of a business since it cannot be withdrawn to the detriment of the creditors. Stock is distinct from the property and the assets of a business which may fluctuate in quantity and value.”

As we can see, stock is just the capital paid into the business......through the passage of time, it has evolved in a properly regulated and controlled environment where people can trade in shares.....then the invention of such things as options, derivatives, CDO’s, and all the exotic financial instruments.
I had many conversations with friends about the topic of shares and investing through the past few years.....most of them will say that playing shares is like gambling. Again, it is helpful to look at the definition of gambling.

Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period.

As we can see, one of the main characteristics of gambling is ‘uncertain outcome’. However, when you really think about it, isn’t buying insurance gambling as well? Let’s say if i buy life insurance this year, just in case i die or be involved in an accident, then my family will get a certain amount of money. So, in this case, I am paying the insurance premium to the insurance company (let’s say $300 p.a) to gamble against the possibility that i might die/be in an accident. So, is buying insurance gambling??? I know i’m muddying the waters here, but this is something that we should think about.......

Anyway, back to investing. For me personally, investing IS gambling if you have no idea about what your outcome is at all, meaning that you are CLUELESS about the outcome of your investment. It is a bit like roulette, where the possibility of the ball reaching a certain number is unknown. However, if you invest with knowledge, it is similar like buying a business. Say for example if you have $1m, and you want to invest in a Asian grocery shop in Melbourne. What will determine which shop will you buy? Obviously a normal person will do his due diligence and find out how much is the rental, how much profit they expect to earn, who is the customers etc etc etc. Therefore, once you do the research, you decide on the store to buy. Again, when you invest in the grocery shop, obviously you have no control on the actual outcome (100% certain), but you have confidence in the possibility of a good outcome. (probably 80% certain etc)
So, from the example above, we can apply that logic in investing as well.

Why am i posting this? Mainly to provoke people to think.....:) A lot of religions do ban gambling, and I have got my fair share of people telling me that investing in shares is what a christian should not do.....feel free to disagree with me :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Portfolio Tracking

This is just the start of me tracking the performance of shares that i have currently. As you can see, I really like mining stocks. This is because it is the only sector where rewards await the faithful investor.....stocks can jump 100% or 200% or even more when you do your research and due diligence. Other sectors are easier to research, but the returns won't reach 100%

Venture Minerals – Another Undiscovered Gem? (VMS.AU)

Venture Minerals – Another Undiscovered Gem? (VMS.AX)
This outshines a lot of other minerals company on many reasons:
1.Safe Country – Australia has a low geopolitical risk as compared to other countries.
2.It is in rare minerals which our modern world require for all our modern gadgets. Nowadays it is widely used in telecommunications gadgets like phones , TV, car electronics, basically for all electronic parts that need soldering – TIN is needed.
3.Very few new tin mines found in this world now
4.Stockpiles of tin are running down quickly.....
5.World production of tin keeps on dropping since the peak year in 2005.......
6.As China and India wake up more or develop more, the demand of tin will increase
7.VMS has very very good resources now and only 10% of its mine in Tasmania is surveyed. Means there is still 90% more to explore. Currently its deposit is the 5th biggest exploration site of tin mines in the WORLD!!!! And as time goes by, definitely it will find more tin in its remaining 90% of its mining land.
8.It has not just one but two mineral discovered in its mining tenements. Tin and Tungsten, possibly silver!

Therefore, all this conditions point very favourably for a share price to revalue.
Have a look at some of the broker reports and news for VMS. Let me know what you guys think. :)

VMS – Victory Marching Shares :) :) :)
Happy Investing......

Monday, October 18, 2010

Frontier Resources - Undiscovered Gem? (FNT.AX)

There are a lot of gold or copper companies..but most of them are expensive or have very big paid up capital ..like PanAustralia which number of shares issued is 2.9b !!! Or Equinox which is too expensive...more than $5 !!!
Let me introduce Frontier Resources which mines are in Papua New Guinea , outside australia but very near australia, which makes it easy to control and manage.....it also has mining land in tasmania. Its issued shares is around $188m, therefore having a market cap of $13 million! That is very small as compared to the other gold miners.
However, the most important is the mining land in Papua New Guinea which is the least explored area in the world and may contain one of the largest mine in the world as shown and discovered by a few other companies already...
There is a ASX announcement on 29 Sept 2010 about FNT.
The statement said that Ok Tedi Mining Ltd has conducted an major aeromagnetic and radiomagnetic geophysical survey on FNT's mine at Leonard Schultz which is situated very near Ok Tedi's giant copper mine in PNG. It said that the data and analysis will only come out in 2 to 3 months time !!!!! Ok Tedi will get 58% control on this site by spending up to US $12m and FNT stake will be reduced to only 42% !!!
Big amount of Gold and copper have been found thro' digging and trending methods.....FNT has
no financial resources as well as technical side to do the job alone. So..it is good to join venture with a very well established experienced cooper and gold miner to do this job. FNT has 4 mining sites in PNG. It already signed an agreement with Ok Tedi to join venture in its 3 sites of which Ok Tedi will get 52% stake and FNT will have 42%. FNT will have only one site with 100% control and this site is Andewa which also showed very promising gold/silver/zincdeposits and has the same composition of soil like Lihir Gold's island in PNG which is not far from this FNT's site !!!
Lihir gold island contains 45m oz of gold, one of the biggest in the world !!!
It is smart to join venture with Ok Tedi(PNG govt party has 30% stake) on its 3 mining sites to ensure a better chance of success in discovering gold/copper/silver in all its 3 mining sites. Ok Tedi will provide the financial and technical support thro' its personnel and helicopter services. Even-though its stake has been reduced to 42%, FNT share can still fly sky-high if they found big deposits of gold or copper there.
This company has very good chance of finding world class gold or copper mines in PNG which hosts some of the giant gold and copper mines in the world .just like Ghana !!!
So, hopefully, FNT will be another Sandfire which was 9cts last may..but now $7 !!!! or Karoon gas whose share price have sky-rocketed from 10cts to $7--$8 now !!!


Welcome to Stocks Unleashed AU! the mirror page of all the things in Stocks Unleashed which belongs to my dear brother, but mine will be focused on Aussie stocks.

FYI, my brother's website is www.stocksunleashed.blogspot.com

It will contain analysis of stocks from myself and family about the potential rising stocks of ASX.

Happy Investing!